I don’t feel fatigue coming to the end of the course - but a mixture of sadness and excitement - sad that it’s over and excited to go back over the classes and lectures again, and excited to do more of your online courses and hopefully study with you in-person one day.
The course has come at the perfect time in my teaching career and has both affirmed that I am doing well and challenged me to do better. ~ Amelia Disspain
Over the many decades that I studied horsemanship, I learned that the short cut is always the long way round. Patient and slow, steady preparation inevitably garnered deep and lasting rewards. Yet as we look around us, there are so many ways in which the natural process of learning, integration and change has been accelerated or condensed into shorter and shorter time frames.
This is one of the reasons why The Art of Teaching takes place over seven months and why we have again decided to offer lifetime access to the course material. Although the almost 70-hours of videos and live online support events could undoubtedly have been condensed into a 14-day marathon, I know that any significant foundational change requires cumulative learning with each step anchored through practice and time for integration.
This is why we structured the training so that every fortnight you receive a 2-hour experiential class and 1.5 hours of theoretical presentation and discussion. Unlike a live training where each class disappears into the ether at its completion: you can review, repeat, rewind or relisten to any segment as many times as you like. This is augmented by the over 200-page training manual. And then, you have the luxury of the next two weeks to integrate that material into your own personal practice and more importantly, into your teaching.
Although live training can never be replaced, there are unexpected advantages to online learning. After you’ve received your class materials you can submit your questions for the live Support Circles (scheduled every Wednesday (NZT) following new material release and are recorded). This format affords me the time to consider your questions and to research and gather resources that can enrich our discussions. Often, I prepare specific presentations tailored to meet that individual while at the same time giving other course members vital knowledge. That’s simply not possible in a jam-packed live teacher training. Paradoxically, the online structure has given students access to me in a way that has never been possible.
I have seen the ongoing trajectory of Donna's work that I was drawn to immediately 20 years ago due to her somatic approach and experience. It is very evident that The Art of Teaching was put together with thought, attention to details and has set itself apart from the current reality (deficit) of what is out there for yoga offerings/trainings/enrichments in this modern world. It has been a real gift to your current students and also to those who don't find themselves fitting into the cookie cutter programs available. ~ Sharon Smith-Carter
In a topsy-turvy time, our members find that the rich class material and the regular connection through the Support Circles, is an antidote to overwhelm. We support each other in our slow and steady progress because we know that this approach is the quickest way to success.
If you’d like to know more about the curriculum, click here, or if you missed one of our recent Gatherings and would enjoy joining Donna in a 30-minute "taster" class, and hear answers to questions about the course that others had, click here to watch now.
Registration is open for The Art of Teaching training until May 18th 8:50 AM NZT.