Livestream Bundle Deals Available
Welcome to Series 1 of the livestream classes presented by Donna and two of her senior associates, Neal Ghoshal and Lisa Petersen.
These are experiential classes covering different topics, from three teachers who are all using the shared-inquiry model of teaching with the framework Donna has shared in The Art of Teaching online course. Both Lisa and Neal share deep insights into their specific areas of interest.
Scroll down to explore the various bundles we are offering - all will give you 2.5x the total access time to the replays, except the Big Bundle where it's just under 3x total replay duration.
Click to read more about Donna, a brief description of each of her classes and book single classes
Click to read more about Lisa, a brief description of each of her classes and book single classes
Click to read more about Neal, a brief description of each of his classes and book single classes
Note: The base price in our shop is USD. A small fee may be charged by your bank to convert to your local currency.
Welcome to the 2022 livestream classes presented by Donna and two of her senior associates, Neal Ghoshal and Lisa Petersen. The classes will begin on February 2nd and continue weekly through to April 27, 2022. Each class is 90 minutes duration. Classes will be recorded and available for 30 days following the livestream.
To book a class: click on the name of the class in the table below. This will take you to our online shop.
Price: US$18.00 per class. The price will appear in your currency prior to payment.
Teachers: to find out more about each teacher and their approach, scroll down.
Livestream Class BUndle
#1, #2, #3 & #4 (4)
Bundle offer gives 75 days access to all classes in the bundle
Livestream Class BUndle
#5, #6, #7 & #9 (4)
Bundle offer gives 75 days access to all classes in the bundle
Livestream Class BUndle
#8, #10, #11, #12 & #13 (5)
Bundle offer gives 75 days access to all classes in the bundle
Livestream Class BUndle
All Donna's Classes (6)
Bundle offer gives 75 days access to all classes in the bundle
This bundle gives you immediate access to the recording of Livestream #01, #03, #5, #9 & #11 
Livestream Class BUndle
All Lisa's Classes (4)
Bundle offer gives 75 days access to all classes in the bundle
This bundle gives you immediate access to the recording of Livestream #06, #7, #8 & #10.
Livestream Class BUndle
All Neal's Classes (3)
Bundle offer gives 75 days access to all classes in the bundle
This bundle gives you immediate access to the replay of Livestreams #02, #4 & #12.
Livestream Class BIG Bundle
All 13 Classes
Bundle offer gives 180 days access to all classes in the bundle
This bundle gives you immediate access to the replay of classes #01 - #13

Donna Farhi
Experience gentle release of the body through spinal rotation and full body spiraling.
Lateral Line
Through side bending we release deeply held tension and liberate movement potential.
Spinal Extension
Exploring back bending as an easeful and joyful movement that can support lifelong erect posture.
Practices to deeply revitalize and nourish.
Core Steadiness
Finding “sthira” or steadiness within the core of the body supports our reach into space.
Waking Up For Yoga Nidra
Preparation through a simple enlivening practice paves the way for a deep dive into the practice of Yoga Nidra.
About Donna
Leading yoga teacher Donna Farhi has been practicing for over 40 years and teaching since 1982. As a post-lineage pioneer, Donna has been at the forefront of generating a new model for teaching that fosters self-inquiry through the cultivation of a deepening trust in one’s own perceptions. Through creating a warm atmosphere free of judgement and competition she invites students to investigate their experience and to adapt and evolve their practice according to their individual needs. Incorporating the rigorous backing of anatomical principles for safe and sustainable practice, Donna offers progressive levels of engagement that allow people of all levels of experience and from all traditions to build their own authentic yoga practice. Learn more about Donna...

Neal Ghoshal
Dynamic Alignment from the Ground Up
Discover the connection between yielding (our relationship to ground, gravity and space) and how it may inform and guide us towards easeful posture and a felt sense of structural alignment from within.
The Breathing, Moving Body
In this class we explore moving with the breath, being moved by our breath, and using our breath to soften into an experience of easeful being.
Go With the Flow
In this class we harness our naturally fluid body to inform our flowing yoga practice.
About Neal
Neal has been practicing yoga for 23 years and teaching since 2003. He sees yoga as a guide to restoring our place and understanding of who we are and how we can live peacefully, happily and completely fulfilled. Neal’s teaching focuses on exploring and refining natural movement and alignment principles – learning to embody these principles in a way that takes our spiritual practice into our everyday lives. Learn more about Neal...

Lisa Petersen
Befriending the Breath, Gravity and Space
This class explores how to combine spaciousness with ease, poise and grace within asana. The breath will be our guide.
Centered Body Calm Mind
Discover the strength and flexibility of your vertical core (your spine), and how it is central to posture, movement and a deep sense of inner calm.
Fluidity and Form
Explore the practice of asana as a meditation in motion and learn how to create seamless flow within the body. We will work specifically with fascia and transitions in this class.
Free the Head, Neck and Shoulders
Combine ancient yogic wisdom with cutting edge neuroscience in this somatic exploration of how to retrain the nervous system and release tension wherever and whenever you want.
About Lisa
Lisa is a somatics innovator and Yoga teacher who is passionate about guiding people towards personal transformation both on and off the mat. She is internationally known for her integrity, clarity, and presence. Her teaching is informed by a rich understanding of embodiment, experiential anatomy, and developmental movement patterns. She is moved by finding the balance between being and doing, movement and stillness, strength and fluidity, discipline and freedom. Learn more about Lisa...