May 9

by Donna Farhi

We’ve had an unbelievable response to our Gatherings for those interested in The Art of Teaching course which begins May 18, 2022.  You can watch a replay of a Gathering here to find out more about the training, experience a class, and listen to some common questions about the course.  

It’s heartening to see how many teachers of all ages and experience levels are interested in working with a contemporary pedagogic model in which the student’s self-sovereignty is honored.   We find that many teachers enter our program with the view to reengaging with their own personal practice and to reignite a spark of creativity in their teaching.  Others realize that a heutagogic (‘self-discovery’) model for teaching requires an utterly different skill set than the one they learned in their foundation training. Because in this model the teacher acts as an agent to direct the student to their own perception, feelings and interoception so they can make skillful choices based on these insights.  It’s not easy to teach in this way which is why the program is 7-months long.  But it is possible to consistently create magical experiences for your students and to become more successful at what you do!

If you’ve already made the decision that The Art of Teaching is right for you, by registering before midnight on Wednesday, May 11th, you could be the recipient of an exclusive Donna Farhi mentoring scholarship. (One only available.)

The mentorship includes:

  • An initial 1-hour Zoom meeting to discuss your goals and your current challenges.
  • The opportunity to have me peer review your teaching.  Depending on your circumstances this could be a recording of a livestream class, a video of you teaching in physical space, or an opportunity to share a class with a small group of fellow Art of Teaching course members. 
  • A follow-up 1-hour Zoom meeting to discuss your class and ways to enhance your teaching skills.  This will be augmented by a written peer review.  The process is gentle and encouraging!

It’s hard to quantify the value of mentorship at this level.  Having the eye and ear of an experienced mentor can literally change one’s career trajectory. Could this be you?

The recipient of this unique scholarship will be selected from people registered for the 2022 Art of Teaching course before midnight Wednesday, May 11th (NZT). The mentorship must be completed by December 1, 2022.

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