We wanted to get our December newsletter out a little early, knowing how frantic this time of the year can be. Here in New Zealand, it’s easy to forget that our Northern Hemisphere friends are unpacking the woolly jumpers, hats and gloves and turning up the thermostat just as we are getting out the swimsuits and sun hats. For some it’s a time of cherished family gatherings, shared meals, and giving gifts. And for others not so fortunate, it’s a time of loneliness, feeling the acute loss of a loved one, and trying the make ends meet. Whichever side of the equation you find yourself on, this can be a good time to consider how best to offer yourself unconditional love, and how best to extend a hand to someone you know who may be struggling and in need of support.
It is in this spirit that we announce the two recipients for our Denver intensive scholarships. There were many deserving applicants, and it was hard to choose from so many sincere yoga teachers wanting this opportunity. In the end, there were two recipients who stood out:
Perri van Rossem
Roberto Astorga
Perri has devoted many years of her life to coordinating, managing and training the teachers of a Prison Yoga Project which has served 6 federal prisons in her region. We are so delighted to give Peri this opportunity to nourish herself. Roberto who hails from Mexico, focuses on teaching special populations and the elderly, teaching in both Spanish and English. We are delighted to offer this opportunity to Roberto, as he is interested in exploring non-hierarchical approaches to yoga that foster critical thinking and freedom.
For those of you still keen to find opportunities to study and go on retreat, there are still a few spaces left in the second Denver intensive, July 18-22, 2025, and we have four rooms left in the Iceland retreats which run May 31-June 7 and June 7-June 14.
May you enter this season in a spirit of giving and may you give others joy through graciously receiving.
In Yoga,