Shopping for groceries today, it seemed as if every single item had gone up by a dollar. Together with the rising cost of fuel (whether for travel or heating one’s home), many people are feeling the pinch. Almost every week there’s a notice that a yoga studio is closing, some, decades-long community fixtures that supported both students and teachers. Word has it that as lockdowns have lifted, students are not necessarily rushing back to attend classes in physical space (as was predicted), while online teaching is becoming fiercely competitive. Not surprising, when huge platforms offer cheap classes as loss-leaders for their expensive yoga clothes. . .
This is why, we'd like to reach out to our yoga sangha.
If you’ve been watching this space, you’ll know I have a seminar coming up on Meeting the Challenge: Yoga & Money. (https://donnafarhi.co.nz/yoga-and-money/). We could just as easily have called it “The Prosperous Yoga Teacher”, because knowledge can be a powerful thing. I’ll be sharing strategies that have served me well over a lifetime of teaching.
I also know that sometimes the people in the most precarious financial position are the least able to afford help. If you'd like to attend, but need support to do so, please flick us an email at support@donnafarhi.co.nz
There's an old saying: "When life throws you a lemon, make lemonade."
I'm confident that while the dust is settling, we have an opportunity to make some important shifts in our thinking and our behavior that will make teaching yoga a more prosperous career choice.
Sending care,
Donna Farhi