Series 1 – Class #05 with Donna: Spinal Extension 

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Series 1 – Class #05 with Donna: Spinal Extension


Class #5 – Spinal Extension: Exploring back bending as an easeful and joyful movement that can support lifelong erect posture.

Time and date: A video of this class is now available immediately. Purchased alone, this will give you 30 days of access to the recording, or between 60 and 180 days if you buy one of the bundle offers.

Teacher: Donna Farhi.

SKU: LSC-DF220302 Categories: ,

Welcome to the 2022 Livestream Classes presented by Donna and two of her senior associates, Neal Ghoshal and Lisa Petersen. The classes began February 2nd and continued weekly through to April 27, 2022.  Each class is 90-minutes duration. They are now available as a recording for 30 days following purchase or longer with bundle purchases. To see the details of all classes and find out more about the teachers, please see here.

About this class

In order to maintain a graceful posture throughout our lives we need to do a little extension every day to counter the tendency of the spine to progressively become more rounded.  This becomes especially important as we age and our structure undergoes subtle changes that can impact our mobility.

From an evolutionary prospective, the human spine has no need for the practice of extreme back bends, and indeed there has yet to be a relevant everyday application for touching the top of the head to the feet!  What we do need is regular, gentle and integrated graduated extension that maintains the fluid uprightness of the spine and keeps the spine strong for vertical activities. 

Each segment of the spine, however, has unique talents and capacities for extension.  We’ll learn how to stabilize the neck and lower back in order to access the structurally stiffer thoracic spine.  Through learning how to distribute extension throughout the length of the spine we can find ease in opening and a renewed feeling of youthfulness.

Please note:

As these are single 90-minute classes, the 15-day money-back guarantee that applies to longer-duration courses is not applicable.
