Series 2 – Neal’s Classes Bundle 

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Series 2 – Neal’s Classes Bundle


Replay access for all classes in this bundle is for 60 days from your date of purchase.

SKU: LSC0922 Bundle NG Categories: ,

Series 2 - Class #03 with Neal: Kindness in Motion

“When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside your body responds and says, yes, this is how I ought to feel.”~ Harold Kushner

It has long been a passion of mine to bring kindness into my personal Yoga practice, my teaching, and into my life. I’m truly excited to be offering this class on embodying kindness.

Yoga traditionally means to unite, to yoke together, to bring together. Kindness is like the glue–it always connects us. Known to not only be good for our health and well-being, kindness offers us a felt sense of belonging, and a practice in which our essential and true nature is in action.

In this movement class, a space is offered and practices explored which allow kindness to be present throughout. Where we are encouraged to meet ourselves–our body, breath, emotions, mind and spirit, with curiosity and easefulness.

We will take time to savour and feel how a kind practice may be experienced in the body, and we will complete the session with a potent and restful Yoga Nidra meditation on metta (loving-kindness).

Series 2 - Class #07 with Neal: Softening, Resting, Being, Presence

This class is an invitation to release tension, to soften, to rest, to be and to come to a felt sense of our presence.

Using the tools of Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and meditation, this is an opportunity for deeply resting and in this rest, this pausing and being, a possibility of opening to a renewal of ease and vitality.

Easefulness, curiosity, kindness and presence–all qualities of our essential nature, given space to emerge. Please join me for the joy of resting.

Series 2 - Class #11 with Neal: Moving From Center

“This pattern deep within our body supports the basic relationship rhythms of coming into self and going out to other, or the world … I have to be connected within myself and able to claim my own movement sphere before I feel comfortable moving in the world.”~ Peggy Hackney

How can we be more centred in our life? In our movement? How do we find and feel the center of our body?

In this class we explore how our movement and our Yoga may be connected to our centre. We’ll harness our natural fluidity to flow in and out of centering practices. We’ll explore pathways from the center out to the periphery of the body and back again, in a cyclical pattern informed by our breath. These pathways point us towards an organic, felt sense of inner relationship and alignment.

As a foundation for core awareness and support, this pattern of moving from and back to center has been an essential part of my practice and teaching for many years. I look forward to sharing it with you, in the spirit of somatic enquiry and Yoga asana.

Replay access for all classes in this bundle is for 60 days from your date of purchase.

Please note: As these are bundles of single 90-minute classes, the 15-day money-back guarantee that applies to longer-duration courses is not applicable.

