Series 2 – Class #09 with Lisa: Twisting from Our Inner Spirals 

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Series 2 – Class #09 with Lisa: Twisting from Our Inner Spirals


Class #9 – Twisting from Our Inner Spirals

Time and date: Now available as a recording.

Teacher: Lisa Petersen.

SKU: LSC-221124LP Category:

Welcome to the 2022 Livestream Classes presented by Donna and two of her senior associates, Neal Ghoshal and Lisa Petersen. The classes began September 29th and continued weekly through to December 14, 2022. Each class is 90-minutes duration. Purchase gives you access to the livestream class and the recording for 30 days or a minimum of 75 days with bundle purchases. To see the details of all classes and find out more about the teachers, please click here.

About this class:

The world is available to us.

Can we be available to the world?’

~ Thich Nhat Hahn

This class explores our inner spirals through twisting asana. It’s an opportunity to discover a new sensory gorgeousness within your old best friend called yoga. How we create ourselves is one of the wondrous secrets of the universe. At fifteen days old you are a three-layered disk with a top layer, a bottom layer and a filling in the sandwich of you. Over the next five weeks the disk that is you will fold, unfold, twist, turn, and shapeshift creating tubes, pouches, pockets and bags within bags. There are no straight lines in your body. There never were. It is a world of spirals within spirals. This is the embodied reality of yoga asana and all movement.

You are invited to…

•Investigate the natural elasticity of your tissues without stretching.

•Play with embodying the natural resilience of your fascia.

•Feel qualities of strength, elegance and glide in movement.

•Experience yourself as a multi-dimensional being and investigate what that offers to your movement and your life.

This class will include yoga, somatics, embodied anatomy, breathwork, movement inquiry, developmental movement, bio-tensegrity, and a deep respect for our embryological origins. Suitable for students from all streams of yoga.

Props:1 x mat, 1 x bolster, 3x blankets, 2x brick blocks, 1 x MR ball, 1 x towel roll.

Please note:

As these are single 90-minute classes, the 15-day money-back guarantee that applies to longer-duration courses is not applicable.

Click here for details about other classes and the bundles.
