Offer up every joy,
be awake at all moments to the news
that is always arriving
out of silence.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Physical Focus: Therapeutic yoga on the floor
What’s Inside: We begin with three questions that can help us determine what we need to do when we feel discomfort or pain in the lower back. The class progresses from a Body Weather Reading practiced in Corpse Pose to a side-lying Feldenkrais sequence. Using active core strengthening practices in Constructive Rest Position as a baseline, we move into core strengthening, quadratus lumborum balancing, and psoas releasing practices. We round off the practice with supine hip mobilization and a passive spinal release using a chair.
Key Focus: Using a multi-pronged approach, we can experience the effects of practices that release the spine, practices that balance asymmetries, and those that strengthen and stabilize.
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