Mastering Simplicity Class #04: Gait, Mobility, and Motivation 

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Mastering Simplicity Class #04: Gait, Mobility, and Motivation


The Mastering Simplicity sessions reflect how yoga was once taught, with teacher and student meeting each other with openness and inquisitiveness about what might arise.  Because Donna wishes to teach from what is most current within her practice, there won’t be a detailed description of each monthly class until after it has been recorded.  This is deliberate so that she can create each class as she explores what she is most interested in, in the weeks prior to each class.  This is an invitation to explore and discover new experiences from often familiar practices.

The classes are offered monthly and will consist of a 2- hour livestream class. 1.5 hours of guided practice followed by 30 minutes for questions, reflections, and community connection.

This class was recorded in May 2024.

Recordings will be available for 30 days after purchase, unless you choose to subscribe. Subscriptions offer greater benefits, particularly for teachers, which you can learn more about here.

See the description of this class below for more details.

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Offer up every joy,

be awake at all moments to the news

that is always arriving

out of silence.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke


Physical Focus: Spinal extension and rotation, hip mobility in all planes of movement.

What’s Inside: We start the class with a revelation that research is showing a relationship between short stride length and “adverse clinical events” in older adults.  Measuring our stride length at the beginning of the class, we progress through a series of foot and ankle releases as well as spinal extension/rotation designed to encourage rotation through the trunk and arms (essential for effective walking).  Using isometric exercise to release the hamstrings, we progressively mobilize the hips, freeing the legs to move in all planes ending with a fun finish; we remeasure our stride length.

Key Focus: The importance of keeping the foot, ankle, legs and hips mobile to maintain freedom in our walking gait.  And the role that the thoracic spine plays in allowing for the free swing of the arms.
