Offer up every joy,
be awake at all moments to the news
that is always arriving
out of silence.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Physical Focus: Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra
What’s Inside: After a short introduction on the effects of the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex and its relationship to prone, supine and side-lying Restorative Yoga postures, we practice a prone supported restorative practice, a supine/extended practice, and a side-lying practice, feeling how each practice affects the nervous system. Many blanket and towel folds are introduced to tailor fit each restorative practice. We finish the practice with a Yoga Nidra designed to be learned and self-guided at a later time.
Key Focus: How the relationship of the body to the earth (prone, supine, side-lying, inverted) affects the nervous system, causing sedation, stimulation or a neutralizing effect.