Offer up every joy,
be awake at all moments to the news
that is always arriving
out of silence.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Physical Focus: Pranayama and Seated Forward Bends and Twists
What’s Inside: This class begins with an introduction to the work of
Neuropsychologist Rick Hansen, with a brief somatic sitting practice followed by alternate nostril breathing to settle the nervous system. The asana portion of this class focuses on releasing neck, upper back and shoulder tension through seated forward bends and twists. The class concludes with a guided relaxation, returning full circle to a meditation that fosters the experience of safety, support and sufficiency.
Key Focus: This class centers around the neuroscience of hardwiring experiences into our nervous system in a conscious way. We focus on the belly as the seat of our experience of safety. We focus on the heart as the seat of our experience of support and connectedness to others. And we focus on the head as the seat of our experience of sufficiency.