March 11

by Donna Farhi

The moment opens.  In it are contained

 like tiny seeds a million more divisions.”

~ Jewel of the Moon, William Kotzwinkle

It is with great excitement and no small sum of gratitude that I’ll be offering a monthly 2-1/2 hour deep dive class at the new Flow Wellbeing Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand.  While these are regional offerings that only folks in New Zealand will be able to enjoy, I am personally relishing the opportunity to once again teach in physical space in a way that allows for the dynamic interaction that is so precious to me.

All classes will be held on the first Friday of each month from April to September.

The first class is scheduled, April 1, 10:30-1:00pm and the theme is “The Moment Opens”.

When we invite present moment awareness into our yoga practice there is an opportunity to saviour the granularity of sensation. What we might have once experienced as a blunt transition or a final end-point or threshold, can be transformed into a delicate and differentiated experience that opens doors into new possibilities and potentials.  When we open into the moment, there are indeed many more divisions; made up of distinct, subtle and sometimes ineffable experience.

In this class we’ll explore a broad range of movements and yoga practices with the view to heightening our awareness of how we enter into a practice, how we sustain and explore it, and how we can expand our threshold for deepening. 

You can find out more about the class and register here.

Livestreams Continue:

Wednesday, March 16, 8:00-9:30 AM (New Zealand Time)

Livestream #7 Centered Body, Calm Mind with Lisa Petersen

Thursday, March 24, 8:00-9:30 AM (New Zealand Time)

Livestream #8 Fluidity and Form with Lisa Petersen

I’ll be on holiday during Lisa’s classes but hope my internet connection will allow me to join in. 

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