February 25

by Donna Farhi

One of the most exciting aspects of training teachers is witnessing how a singular pedagogic model can be translated through the lens of a teacher’s distinct voice supported by their particular training, skills and talents.  Beginning March 10th, my long-time colleague and co-teacher Lisa Petersen will be leading livestreams 6, 7 and 8, as my partner and I take a much-needed holiday.

For those of you who don’t already know Lisa, she has studied extensively with me and we have be fortunate to co-teach several intensives and yoga teacher trainings.  Her background in Somatics and Body Mind Centering give her a depth of knowledge that is rare; there is always something new to glean from her delightful classes.

'As a teacher myself I recognize that having knowledge does not always mean an innate ability to teach. Teachers, real teachers have a gift, a special something that helps them to share their knowledge in a myriad of ways, styles and voices so that everyone in the class can feel, understand and ultimately learn in their own unique way. Lisa is one of these teachers and to be in her class is a privilege. This work, delving into the soma through somatic training, is an essential component for any movement and wellbeing professional and indeed anyone interested in really connecting to the Mind-Body experience.'

~ Michelle Riordan, Yoga Teacher, Ireland

Coming Up:

Livestream class #5 Spinal Extension with Donna Farhi (now available as a recording) 

In order to maintain a graceful posture throughout our lives we need to do a little extension every day to counter the tendency of the spine to progressively become more rounded.  This becomes especially important as we age and our structure undergoes subtle changes that can impact our mobility.

From an evolutionary prospective, the human spine has no need for the practice of extreme back bends, and indeed there has yet to be a relevant everyday application for touching the top of the head to the feet!  What we do need is regular, gentle and integrated graduated extension that maintains the fluid uprightness of the spine and keeps the spine strong for vertical activities.

Each segment of the spine, however, has unique talents and capacities for extension.  We’ll learn how to stabilize the neck and lower back in order to access the structurally stiffer thoracic spine.  Through learning how to distribute extension throughout the length of the spine we can find ease in opening and a renewed feeling of youthfulness.


Thursday, March 10, 8:00-9:30 am (New Zealand Time)

Livestream #6 Befriend the Breath, Gravity and Space with Lisa Petersen

In order to maintain a graceful posture throughout our lives we need to do a little extension every day to counter the tendency of the spine to progressively become more rounded.  This becomes especially important as we age and our structure undergoes subtle changes that can impact our mobility.

From an evolutionary prospective, the human spine has no need for the practice of extreme back bends, and indeed there has yet to be a relevant everyday application for touching the top of the head to the feet!  What we do need is regular, gentle and integrated graduated extension that maintains the fluid uprightness of the spine and keeps the spine strong for vertical activities.

Each segment of the spine, however, has unique talents and capacities for extension.  We’ll learn how to stabilize the neck and lower back in order to access the structurally stiffer thoracic spine.  Through learning how to distribute extension throughout the length of the spine we can find ease in opening and a renewed feeling of youthfulness.

 ‘Learning is movement moment to moment.’ ~ Krishnamurti

Enjoy your sessions with Lisa. I’ll be back at the end of March, hopefully rested and rejuvenated from our time in the Cook Islands.

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