I’m excited to finally announce the release of my MasterClass. This has been my secret baby for all of 2020 . . . with a few fits and starts and delays due to Covid lockdowns here in New Zealand. After months of careful preparation and development of curriculum with the amazing team at MasterClass, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is being born into the world. It is such an honor to be the very first instructor to share yoga on MasterClass and in the company of some of the world’s foremost minds and experts in their field.
The classes are filmed in the most exquisite setting: made possible by Oscar award winning set designer Grant Majors and the gifted crew of Tahi Productions in Auckland, New Zealand. Central to this project were the contributions of my models: teachers Karla Brodie and Neal Ghoshal of Contemporary Yoga and Kristina Cavit from The Kindness Institute. It was a shared goal with MasterClass to include models of color and different ages, sizes and abilities so that these classes would feel real, accessible and most of all inviting to those who might not otherwise consider the practice of yoga.

It’s been a whirlwind journey with more than a few sleepless nights and a chance to look at my deepest insecurities. Through it all I’ve been supported by my partner Nicholas Lyttle and friends near and far (you know who you are!). To see a trailer click here.

I’d be delighted for you to join me at MasterClass. This may be your opportunity to introduce a friend, family member or colleague to the practice of yoga. Learn more here.
When you join MasterClass, you have access not only to my class but to over 100+ other instructors. I’m currently working through classes with an expert on writing, bread-making and . . . sleep!
May you be well,