August 31

by Donna Farhi

“I loved my previous training but didn’t feel equipped to be a teacher. So thankfully I found your course. I am very appreciative and somewhat relieved to find it seems to fit hand-in-hand with the training I have had. I am also very much enjoying the way you share your insights.”

~ Shelly Matheson, New Zealand // online participant

I meet teachers every day who have developed a deeply intuitive and organic personal yoga practice.  Many of these teachers also have a strong desire to teach through the lens of shared-inquiry but are not sure how.  This isn’t surprising given the prevalence of cookie-cutter yoga methods that have relied heavily on what can best be described as “Simon Says” models for teaching.  While this, combined with set alignment cues, is easy to pull off, taking people on a journey into their interior selves is challenging work.  But it’s also what can make teaching a satisfying lifelong career.

After decades of offering teacher trainings and now with the completion of The Art of Teaching course, my big ‘aha” in recent months has been the realization that shared-inquiry models for teaching require an utterly different set of teaching skills.  Implementation becomes key. 

As a young teacher I spent years stabbing in the dark trying to match my own experience of yoga as a fluid creative process with a skill set that could facilitate this deep-dive inquiry for my students.  After almost forty years of teaching, I’ve come to the realization that there are specific teaching techniques and approaches that support this kind of learning. 

Learning how to plan classes around clear goals and objectives; layering instruction sequentially and offering people progressive points of entry makes learning a joyous experience.  And what a revelation to discover the power of pausing– I never learned in my own teaching training that silence can be more potent than non-stop instruction as it opens the space for people to enter their own investigation.  It fills me with excitement to expedite that process for teachers and see them grow in confidence and find new inspiration in their teaching. 

You can read a brief extract from The Art of Teaching training manual on this post-lineage shift by clicking here

If you are seeking new inspiration, experiencing the power of pausing, and seeking new skills to re-orient your own teaching, registration for the next The Art of Teaching course opens soon.

Click here to be notified when all updated course details will be released and registration opens.

"The single most valuable outcome of this course for me as a yoga teacher is to focus more on fundamentals and 'big picture' concepts instead of minutiae."

~ Shawn Gerrity, New Zealand  //  live participant

"I just want to say how incredibly valuable this course has been for my personal and professional life. The content is obviously amazing (thanks Donna!), but the course structure, the presentation and sequencing of course material makes it easy to follow and integrate the theory. The sequential release of material interspersed by the zoom webinars works wonderfully. The thorough transcripts of the webinar questions is really helpful and so are the resources. I'm currently studying another course online over the same period of time (for twice the price!), and it is really difficult to follow and poorly presented. So, thank you so much."

~ Jade Frederiksen, Australia  // online participant

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