January 11

by Donna Farhi

Our lovely dog Miko awaiting meditation instructions in the new livestream space.

 Our lovely dog Miko awaiting meditation instructions in the new livestream space.

Welcome to the new year! We have been offline and on holiday since late December; our apologies for failing to send an end-of-year message. By the end of a long year of “pivoting” like whirling dervishes, we were ready to lock our computers in a filing cabinet and take a long nap somewhere quiet. After mornings in the garden, uninterrupted hours of pleasure reading, and many delightful gatherings with friends and family, we are entering 2022 feeling, if not restored at least refurbished. We sincerely hope that you have also had an opportunity to recharge your batteries.

We know that the coming year brings much uncertainty and the almost impossible task of trying to plan when local and global conditions can change on a dime. For many of you, whether practitioner or teacher, that means that physical space classes are still suspended and for others, Zoom fatigue has made livestream classes often less than desirable. We are trying to accommodate those of you who want the support of livestream offerings by providing a gorgeous new livestream space designed by artist Ben Lyttle, high quality sound and lighting and (if we can manage the tech), more than one camera angle. And we’re hugely excited that I will be offering physical space longer format classes in Christchurch for those able to attend in the South Island.

From February 02, we’ll be offering a 90-minute livestream class every week until April 27. Neal Ghoshal, Lisa Petersen, and I will be sharing the roster with the emphasis on gentle, experiential sessions designed to leave you feeling easeful and vibrant in your body. Neal and Lisa use the same shared inquiry model of teaching with the framework I am sharing in The Art of Teaching online course, and we’ve dovetailed our offerings so that each weekly class will have a different orientation. You can find out when the class starts for you from the product description section of each class, and that doesn't suit you, classes will be recorded and available for 30 days following the livestream. Classes are US$18.00 each.

We have also offered several bundles of classes. The more you purchase, the more additional days you will have access to all classes in your bundle, beyond the standard 30 days. This will give you plenty of time to revisit each class at your leisure. Click here for the schedule and more detail. I look forward to seeing you there.

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