Series 1 – Class #02 with Neal: Dynamic Alignment 

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Series 1 – Class #02 with Neal: Dynamic Alignment


Class #2 – Dynamic Alignment from the Ground Up: Discover the relationship between yielding (our relationship to ground, gravity and space) and how it may inform and guide us towards a felt sense of structural alignment from within.

Time and date: A video of this class is now available immediately. Purchased alone, this will give you 30 days of access to the recording, or between 60 and 180 days if you buy one of the bundle offers.

Teacher: Neal Ghoshal.

SKU: LSC-NG220210 Category:

Welcome to the 2022 Livestream Classes presented by Donna and two of her senior associates, Neal Ghoshal and Lisa Petersen. The classes began February 2nd and continued weekly through to April 27, 2022.  Each class is 90-minutes duration. They are now available as a recording for 30 days following purchase or longer with bundle purchases. To see the details of all classes and find out more about the teachers, please see here.

About This Class:

In this class we will explore alignment. But what is alignment? And why might it be important?

Patanjali suggests the posture of the body should be steady/stable, and comfortable/easeful. To be in a good space. (Yoga Sutra – 2.46, sthira-sukham asanam).

Steadiness is sometimes connected to strength and to feeling grounded. Being comfortable may be related to being fluid, responsive, free of excess tension.

We can use these principles as our primary focus when practicing Yoga.

The invitation here is to let go of “holding” a posture and instead explore posture as a dynamic process, as an open question. With curiosity, we'll explore how we may use the ground, or a wall, to guide us towards creating clear pathways through the body. This will be Yoga practice as a movement discussion, or a conversation between our intention, our breath, movement and our body, and between ground, gravity and space.

Please do join me in this class, to feel your own way towards a clearer alignment.

In setting up for this class, please have a blanket over your Yoga mat, adjacent to a wall.

Please note:

As these are single 90-minute classes, the 15-day money-back guarantee that applies to longer-duration courses is not applicable.

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