Offer up every joy,
be awake at all moments to the news
that is always arriving
out of silence.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Theme: Upright & Tension-Free
What’s Inside: This class begins with a brief period of sitting where we feel into our current postural pattern. This is followed by passive spinal extension on the floor to release the back. We progress into all-fours back strengthening followed by standing postures that activate and strengthen the spinal muscles by working against gravity and through the extension of our limbs into space. As we return to the floor, the focus shifts to creative and fun variations of Locust Pose using tennis balls in one or both hands. After a gentle supine spinal twist, the class is completed with an active Bridge Pose to further open and release the thoracic spine, followed by relaxation with an emphasis on lengthening the neck.
Key Focus: Establishing and maintaining lifelong erect posture requires us to engage and strengthen the muscles of the back body, while opening and releasing the front body. A strong emphasis of this class is the recognition that passively opening the body into extension alleviates but does not resolve upper back, neck and shoulder tension. As we become stronger and longer, this erect posture becomes self-renewing and less effortful.