January 27

by Donna Farhi

We are delighted to announce that we will soon begin the first of a thirteen-class series of livestreams.  We can’t wait to be together again with you and hope that these offerings serve to support your practice during this time.

Class #1: Unwinding with Donna (now available as a recording), is about unraveling deeply held tension.

Humans seem to intuitively know to move into rotation and twisting after long hours at the computer, at the end of a day crouched over weeds in the garden or at the beginning of a routine when we want to limber up. 

While moving in the sagittal plane (forward and backward bending) tends to make the body strong and stable, too much repetitive toing and froing in and out of practices like the Sun Salutation, can contribute to loss of fluidity and ease in the body.  We can also lose mobility simply through long hours of static sitting in front of a computer.

In this class I’ll be exploring ways that you can unwind in supine, prone, all-fours and standing positions as well as integrating regular returns to symmetry to reset the body back towards the midline.

Class #2: Dynamic Alignment from the Ground Up with Neal Ghoshal is now available as a recording

In this class Neal will explore alignment. But what is alignment? And why might it be important?  Patanjali suggests the posture of the body should be steady/stable, and comfortable/easeful to be in a good space. (Yoga Sutra – 2.46, sthira-sukham asanam). Steadiness is sometimes connected to strength and to feeling grounded. Being comfortable may be related to being fluid, responsive, free of excess tension. We can use these principles as our primary focus when practicing Yoga.

The invitation here is to let go of “holding” a posture and instead explore posture as a dynamic process, as an open question. With curiosity, we'll explore how we may use the ground, or a wall, to guide us towards creating clear pathways through the body. This will be Yoga practice as a movement discussion, or a conversation between our intention, our breath, movement and our body, and between ground, gravity and space.

Please do join Neal in this class, to feel your own way towards a clearer alignment.

Recording & Time Zones

All livestream classes will be recorded and available for 30 days post class.  If you sign up for a bundle of classes your access is extended at least twice as long.  When booking a class, a link on that page will allow you to see the time correlation between Auckland, New Zealand and your city/county.

When our class time here is an uncivilized hour for you, we recommend practicing with the recording at a time that feels perfect for you.  We are also opening the classes 10 minutes before the start time so you have a chance to connect with the teacher and to get to know the other participants. 

Getting the most out of your livestream experience

You will be sent a list of equipment to have at hand for your class.  But one of the best ways you can improve your livestream experience is to:

  •  Prepare your space:  The night before, clear your space of any distracting clutter, and give the floor a tidy.  Create a space that will be conducive to practice ( a candle, flower or diffuser might help you set the mood).  Then gather your yoga props so your class won’t be disrupted.
  • See and be seen: Google “how to mirror my phone to a TV” so you can make your virtual yoga teacher bigger.  Or set up your laptop so that you can both see the class and offer the teacher a clear view of your practice mat.  Light your screen from behind your laptop (a simple reading lamp will do).  If you light your body from behind, you will appear to your teacher as if you are in a dark Himalayan cave. 
  • Make it sacred time: If you wouldn’t do it in a “normal” yoga class don’t do it on livestream!  Wearing your pajamas, eating your breakfast, or coming and going from the class will not only be distracting for other members, it can also undermine the continuity of your experience.  Turn off your phone and/or change your settings to suspend messages.  Part of what makes us feel good when we go to class is making that effort to shower, dress, and be on time.  Making that same effort for your livestream class will make a world of difference and contribute to the benefits you experience from attending.

We look forward to seeing you soon,


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